viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Windows ( Ventanas)

We can define the windows as one of the pillars within Keysi.
Since Justo Diéguez began his life in an early childhood, at which point , like all children, sometimes observe or suffer some kind of brawl, he discovered that from the floor and instinctively when placing his hands on his head he was getting less hits. Thus he created a barrier of protection from the hits that allowed him to be able to deal with it.
Moments later and gathering courage, he opened his eye and moved his arm, doing that he could see that within those spaces while he was still protected he could observe everything going on around him.
From that moment he internalized an idea that would form the basis of its method of protection which still in position to defend or attack dominate the 360 degree angle. And through efforts and dedication he understood that going through a situation of extreme stress, he could control all his movements, just as his opponents, in the event there would be more than one, and from that way an idea of defending but at the same time visualize, analyse and allowing in an immediate, instinctive and intelligent way allowing him to control more than one opponent at the same time, and protect against any mishap that inevitably would find in a street fight. You have to remember, that in the streets there are no rules, everything is allowed and unfortunately anything can happen.
Within this dominance of the 360 degree, we also want to emphasize that the windows are a consequence, a mutation of the Pensador which we defined earlier.
The windows are not just external gaps created by the elbows, windows are formed throughout the body such as elbows, fists; but not only is used to look, it is itself a whole, an evolution, is the consequence that occurs when training the Pensador and look beyond physical limitations as it would be to stop a hit.

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