viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

Letter from a new brother

Hi my name is Irving Fields Lugo and am originally from Nicaragua, the Keysi World Conference has been the most special experience of my life, there were many sacrifices to cross the pond (Atlantic Ocean) and know the old continent of Europe, and were countless the sleepless nights trying to devise a way to get to the mother country, Spain. Every day dreamed of meeting Justo Diéguez a person whom UI admire greatly for his life store, by his humble origins, perhaps resemblance with my own mother who is the person who created and supported me in this dream and every project I embark on.  Her support was vital to make this almost magical journey, I find it difficult to describe in words the emotion I felt when I met Fernando, who was the first I met, then meeting Iza, Jessie and Justo, who from a distant reality and distant seemed like rock stars, people far away from my reach but my biggest surprise was to see and feel the humility, warmth and kindness of these people.
Then came the rest of the Keysi family, this is what makes Keysi different from any other systems, because the family feeling that preaches Justo is incredible. How can someone so far away from home feel like he has never left?  Here is where the saying comes to hand “ home is where your heart is”, at no moment after meeting the guys I felt alien,  never felt away from my family, as I was with it. Even if it was spending some time next to the swimming pool, in practice, in the apartments, bars or restaurants, wherever we were it was amazing, like the feeling of family did not leave my side, we all start as strangers somehow to start the conference, we then become friends but we overcome that barrier of friendship to become a family. I have always defined the family with the following expression “blood gives kinships but loyalty makes you family” and that the value of loyalty, which these days is so scarce, what differentiates our family Keysi.
The workouts were tough, real, dynamic, at no moment it was boring or monotonous I had one of the greatest privilege and honour of my shot life, it was serving as a translator. I was the official translator of the conference, a never-ending job because at the same tables where we were having dinner or lunch was a translator, on the beach, at all times, to the point where sometimes my brain was confused and spoke Spanish when I should have been speaking English, a really funny experience, unique and fantastic, especially seeing as there were people of different nationalities and realities, but somehow we all communicated with a universal language, KEYSI. It was admirable as in practice, even when people were much more experience in Keysi, there was never any kind of pride, from expert to novice there was that overflow of humility that characterizes Justo and massively transmitted to all practitioners and instructors. There was always someone willing to help, to make constructive criticism, teaching by example, it was something really fantastic, and something you definitely have to see to believe, as we all worked as a team, like a big family, reinforcing knowledge, correcting errors on the road of strengthening the weaknesses.
I think the only expression I can reach to describe this experience is “ A Dream Come True”, that was this conference for me, this is KEYSI for me, a dream that at times was so distant now became reality, even I wonder if someday I will wake up from it, to be honest I hope I never do.
Keysi has given me something special in my life, something that cannot be removed, it has given me a way, a guide, which is what I like and enjoy. It has given me the confidence, I managed to believe in myself, in my skills and abilities, I am now capable of recognizing various situations and how to address them, I am more in control of myself and that is something is beyond compare.
I hope that you who are reading this letter, you’ll joing us next time and you can enjoy the experience, breathe our air and feel our family hospitality.
Al ataque
Never give up
Irving Campos Lugo

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