sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

What is the vortex?

What is the vortex?

According to a basic definition found online, a vortex is a stream of air ascending and descending.
In other words, a more colloquial way, we could define it as a tornado consisting of ascending and descending currents of air taking everything in its path.
So, where do we find Vortex in Keysi?

Keysi is a self-defence created by and for the Street, where real life revolves around the 360 degrees around us adding the upper plane, the air, and the bottom plane, the ground.
This way we can define vortex as the individual itself because in the reality of like we can find ourselves in a setback or obstacle in any direction or trajectory.
The central axis of the vortex is formed by our bodies, from our head to our feet. And around us, from 1.5 to 2 meters, that is the shortest and fastest distance a person can travel in one step.
What is the use of the Vortex for us?

Before starting this blog, we emphasized on the area control, talked about controlling all directions to avoid falling prey to a causal or intentional attack.
Well right now we speak like the predator, skilled in Keysi and takes time training with great constancy.
This predator is surprised by an individual whose attitude makes us suspect that his intentions are evil and all of a sudden he approaches with his intentions more conclusive. Our brain acts and tells us… This person wants to harm you and we can’t help it.
In this moment is when the subject enters our vortex, getting closer to that small distance of two meters where he thinks his prey is defenceless and weak.
But even a hunter knows that the wounded animals are the most dangerous and will never shoot against a tornado as it will be like killing flies with a canon.
The predator acts, not prey of panic, controls all emotions because it knows his integrity depends on it, in that precise moment is where all the training, biomechanics, area control, technique, strategy and determination, all of this fused in unusual movements but effective
The predator moves but the attacker is unable to control, not even his own body, as it has entered the eye of a storm, with air currents which could go up or down, spinning in different directions, powerless to restrain the victim, like any person trying to catch the wind with their hand
The Vortex is not a hit or a technique, is the sum of all the training where the mind, the muscles and the biomechanics act as a contact movement.
Maybe this entry has left you a bit confused or maybe you only understood parts of it. To define Vortex is like explaining something as easy as, why do we breathe?
Do you have questions? Have I awaken your interest? Do you want to understand about the Vortex?
What I can do is encourage you to join a Keysi class and there you will be able to visualise where, how, when and where the eye of the storm appears, which we call Vortex.

Never Surrender!!

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015

Keysi Teaching Methodology

Keysi Teaching Methodology

Keysi teaching method is not based on the number of techniques, 1000 different techniques are not necessary to learn how to defend against an attack.
The main and most important part is to work your mind, that is why we don’t emphasise on learning endless attacks or unnecessary techniques in real life, but what makes us unique is that we dedicate our work on the instinct.
Yes the instinct…. Is the innate ability that humans possess. Is the ability that gives a mother the strength to lift a train wheel to save the life of her daughter who was trapped under it, or when a father sees that a car will run over his son and he runs towards him without thinking about his own security and physical integrity.
Keysis method of working is not with repetition or imitation. First we cultivate the body and mind, teaching each student that instinct of survival which we all have.

Description of Instinct

When we are young and we find ourselves cornered, the human being tends to protect itself, but the question is, how does it protect itself?
If we look at a child who sees a ball balling from above, if you look closely, you will get a glimpse when that child faces this situation, instinctively he will cover his head with his hands, crouches and places itself in a fetal (Fetus) position to take up less space and protect the best it can.
If we walk in darkness, why do we seek a foothold? It is the instinct of self-protection that pushes us towards that support. That ability that appears alone, not learned or taught, is the manifestation of pure instinct.

How to work the instinct?

To make students understand and to learn about their own instincts, they will be placed in complicated situations that can only reflect reality. Whether it is a knife attack or an attack two against one.
Making the student work in those situations which unfortunately are real life facts, will help students to identify the situation, learn day by day about that situation, the pressure, the fear, the powerless and to recognize the environment.
His mind will expand to a new world of sensations and understand that in real life one second is everything. Thanks to the training, perseverance and effort the next time you see that kid where the ball is falling on him, rather than shrink down and hope that the hit happens quickly. That kid will recognize the situation, will see what is coming towards him and will move away from the path without having any damage.
Our Goal in Keysi, as we mentioned before, is not to learn 1000 techniques but when that time comes you don’t shrug your shoulders, you don’t get paralyzed by fear, the goal is to make your body guide you and your survival instinct pushes you to the right direction.
If two people come to you with the intent to hurt you, perhaps the most sensible thing to do is run and not shrug your shoulders. But sometimes there is no choice and you have to defend yourself and the smart thing to do is to open your eyes, recognize the danger, look around and find a way to escape, maybe not fully unhurt from the attack, but alive to tell the tale.
Remember that no matter what kind of aggression, whether one person or several. In any case we will always receive some type of damage, because even covering yourself from a hit it will be done by our body. 

What is the Hammer?

What is the Hammer?

The Hammer technique, is it a hit? Some sort of defence method?
The Hammer technique has become very popular by time, is a really old technique being born from mixed martial arts and its most recent popularization, techniques such as The Hammer are being recognized.
A lot of people who watches Keysi videos and observe a Keysi lesson will ask, what are those hits you give with the side of your fist? What are they for?
Here in Keysi we use The Hammers in all possible and working positions that exist: standing, kneeling, squatting, sitting and lying.
We use The Hammers as an offensive and defensive way, and as just mentioned, in all levels.

But what is The Hammer?

Is it a punch? An oblique hit? Ascending or descending?
If we were to define it in a way, we can’t describe it as a variant of a punch, but a completely different technique and autonomous like a punch.
But it possesses a great advantage over the punch, given its position at the time to hit with the side of the fist. The knuckles don’t suffer trauma or injuries that occur when we punch a surface, although its purpose is the same as a punch but by avoiding the injury: broken knuckles, bleeding, etc.
The Hammer also has another big advantage, we can give it higher speed, strength and higher number of strokes.
This technique has an offensive and defensive ability which allows us to attack and cover ourselves in great speed.
You can work it on two distances: medium and short, depending on its need.
We could talk about this length technique, but we could never find the right words, it is best that you encourage to visit us and see the benefits of this movement together with your biomechanics.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

The meaning of “Pensador”( The Thinker)

The meaning of “Pensador”( The Thinker)

People commonly think that “el Pensador” (The Thinker) is just a technique that involves putting your hands on your head, but the reality is far from that statement.
Its meaning is much deeper as it’s not a technique by itself, it’s a decision on how we do things, in which way and when. In reality the “Pensador” comes from the deepest part of our being.
So the more accurate definition of the “Pensador” is not a technic in itself but the product of our psyche and the need that is presented to us at that moment.
All Keysi techniques or at least a vast majority of them are named with its based “pensa”, for example we can find “pensa-choque” ( thinking-hit), “pensa-puños” ( thinking punches) or even “pensa-patadas” ( thinking-kick). But as mentioned before these techniques are born from necessity.
Lets not forget that Keysi is a method of self-defence, when we talk about giving a “pensa-puño”, we are talking about giving a punch to something or someone, but that gesture comes from the necessity of defending ourselves or defending our loved one from aggression always illegitimate, since we learn self-defence not a pointless fight.
So from a more spiritual point of view, we define “el Pensador” (The thinker) as “ Bring out from in you, your true self from the heart”. And from this combination of values and philosophy comes the technique itself based on the urgent need to overcome a physical and real obstacle that forces us to be in guard. 

Salute in Keysi

Salute in Keysi

Technically speaking the greeting in Keysi is performed as follows.
1.     From a neutral position, separate the feet and hands. The feet are apart beyond shoulder width and palms facing forwards.
2.     At the time the right hand and foot start to get together, put your feet together and bend your right elbow and make a fist until touching your chest at heart level.
3.     The first and elbow stretched forwards, and repeat the same move, flexing the elbow and taping the fist to the heart. Then return to the first position with the hands outstretched and palms facing forwards.
After this explanation, I showed you a technique. But, what is the meaning behind these simple movements?
To start with the meaning of this salute:
-“I stand before you, with the best of me and that humanity and the honour is our dress of our heart”
This greeting is executed at the beginning and the end of the class, but also during the class where you will see it before developing a technique in pairs. Since even self-defence or a contact sport sometimes we do hurt each other, this gesture before, during and after teamwork symbolises that we are brothers to all and will never hurt each other volunarily or arbitrarily. So our students and instructors before and after training in team they pull the elbows and fists and collide as a symbol of brotherhood.